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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are You an Idealist Like Me?

Do you ever take those personality quizzes you find online? I don't, but I gave this one a try anyway. It was short and sweet, plus it was recommended by one of the bloggers I visit often (thanks Lisa over at Mommying on the Fly). She turned out to be a scientist according to this quiz. She has two beautiful twin girls, and she hosts an awesome blog hop. You should definitely check it out if you're in the market for more followers on your own blog. Here's what this quiz revealed about me (and it was spot on too):

I'm creative with great imagination.
I enjoy living in my own inner world.
I'm open-minded and accepting. I strive for harmony in my important relationships.
It takes a while to get to know me. I am hesitant to let people get close to me.
Once I care for someone, I do everything I can to help them grow and develop.

In love, I have high (often unrealistic) standards.
I am very sensitive and tend to have intense feelings.

At work, I need to do something that expresses my personal values.
I would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

I see myself as unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual.
When others don't get me, they see me as unrealistic, naive, and weak.

So are you going to go take the quiz? Let me know what you turn out to be... You never know, we might have more in common than you think. Oh and don't forget to sign up for Lisa's blog hop!

Share your quiz outcome below. Subscribe to comments to see how others relate to you.