Where are all these excuses coming from?
What's better than knowing what you want? The only thing I can think of is actually doing it, but have you noticed there's always something holding you back? What you feel are blockages from what you truly want are really just your own excuses to keep you stuck in your rut. Remember when you were a kid... I'll give you time since some of us have to think back further than others... Are you there yet? Ok, little more time?... Now remember when your mom wasn't watching and you got the urge to write on the walls, flip on the bed, or any of the other annoying things kids do? Did you you ever think to yourself, "Naw, I can't jump on the bed right now. I have to do XYZ first and there's not enough ABC to do it anyway. Plus, Mom might not want me to"? Of course not! You went for it, the same way I went for it, and the same way any kid would go for it. Growing up has made us so afraid of ourselves and other people's expectations that we've forgotten that we can do whatever we want whenever we want. That's why I encourage my closest friends to think and act in the present with guidance from the future. Let go of the past where all of your limiting beliefs lie and you can then move forward.
Recognize when you are making excuses
I would right a blog post but I don't have a way to add pictures. I would like to be an artist but I don't have enough money for supplies. I would like to dance but I've never taken any classes. i would like to stop hanging out with Jane, but what will Paul think? Any of these sound familiar? These are excuses for not doing what you want to do. The minute the words I can't cross your mind, you have just made an excuse because actually you can. You can do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Don't listen to your mind. Your mind is hard coded to help you survive. To do what you want, you must listen to your heart a.k.a. your spirit. This is your creative side that knows no boundaries.
What will happen when you stop making excuses?
What's the secret to doing what you want? Resourcefulness and bravery. Sometimes you might not have exactly what you would like to have in order to get started doing whatever you want. Sometimes you have to work with what you already have. I am very proud of the picture I drew in this post using a scrap of paper, a black marker, and some ancient color pencils. I could have easily let go of my desire to be an artist with such excuses as: I've never taken classes, I'm not good enough to make people like it, and I don't have top quality supplies. I also let go of trying to please other people, which happens to be much easier said than done. It took a lot of patience to stop worrying about what other people think of me, but it's not impossible. The sooner you can do this, the better. I'm an artist today because I recognized my excuses and moved past them, which is exactly what I recommend to you. Once you're able to let go of excuses, you will be able to move forward and do the things that make you happy. Start living what you want and it will show itself.
Let's help each other move past our self limiting excuses. Name one thing you really really want to do right now? What do you feel is holding you back? Share your thoughts below and give your advice to others who can't see around their excuses. Subscribe to comments to follow this discussion.