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Friday, January 07, 2011

Choosing Your Life Values

Read the revised version of this post here.

So I've been giving great attention to the meaning of my life and where I'd like to end this journey. Before I can do that though, I had to first recognize what's most important to me. This was no easy task. I had to sort through the years of social conditioning and past experiences. I didn't want my list of values to be biased in any way. I wanted it to have meaning directly related to me as an individual, or should I say directly related to my conscious self. To finalize my list of values, I had to do quite a bit of soul searching.

To begin, I created a rough draft based on how I've been choosing to live in the past. I looked for patterns of strong emotion. I looked for patterns of activities that I am naturally drawn to. This long process came up with about 18 words that I felt I already reflected in some way or another.

At this point, I went through each one and took out any that I felt were empty justifications of being human. In other words, I removed words that were not what I valued, but what I thought I should value. Even in my attempt to figure out who I am, I was still trying to please other people. Basically, those were no good so I shortened the list to 11 words.

With those 11 words, I went through each one again. This time I fast forwarded to my much older self. I closed my eyes and envisioned my life the way I wanted it to be in old age. Then, looking at my list of words, I made sure that each one fit in with that vision. If any of the words felt even slightly off-putting, it had to go. There were 4 off-putting words! Guess what? They had to go.

In my last step, I revised what i had come up with. The remaining 7 words were put in order of importance. I think I read that list at least 100 times just to make sure that the words all felt right. They did and I ended up adding 3 more words. Now that I think about it, those last 3 don't seem all that necessary, but they still feel right. I tried leaving them out, but the list felt incomplete. So now I have a list of 10 values that I feel very strongly about and I'm confident that they will carry me through a long and fulfilling lifetime.

Have you created a list of your own values? If so, what method did you use?