These are the values I've chosen to guide my life outcome. I want to live my life for the experiences rather than for material reasons. I think this life path suits who I really am and who I'd like to become.
1. Personal Growth
2. Integrity
3. Courage
4. Optimism
5. Health
6. Respect
7. Diversity
8. Adaptability
9. Comfort
10. Creativity
As of now, these are my most strongly held values in order of importance to me. None of these words are meant to resonate with any other being besides myself. Using this basic list, I can now know what direction is best for my life. And at this point, I realize that I am still growing and my values may change. However, I feel that this is a firm start on shaping how I will live my life in order to achieve the outcome I desire. Good thing adaptability is one of my values...
I'd love to read your own list of values. What's most important to you in life?